Now that Poknat's back, my High School barkada texted me to meet up at McDo Diliman (oh yeah, we call it OUR McDo) and catch up. Usual stuff.
As in other foot bridges I've crossed, the one in Commonwealth Ave. in front of OUR McDo "showed" another depressing scene (or scenes). On one part of the foot bridge you'll see people lying down holding plastic cups containing a couple of coins. On other parts you'll see moms nursing their babies while their other children sell sampaguitas. Nothing new there. Then on my way down the stairs I saw a kid holding a container filled with what we may consider "kaning-baboy". Reminds me of Mongolian barbecue wherein you'd pick whatever ingredients you want and then mix all the stuff up. It just wasn't that appetizing. I saw fish bones, chicken bones, rice with maybe a little water, etc. It was around 5pm then and I thought those were just the remaining stuff that they had for lunch/merienda and they're just saving the remaining food for their dog.
Then one of the kids ate from the container.
I dunno if I was going to barf or cry or maybe both. Aw gawd. What I thought was for their dog was actually THEIR food. Our dog eats more delicious (and I bet more nutritious) food than the kids I saw. It later made me realize how fucking stupid I was thinking that they even have dogs when they can't even feed themselves right.
What a very depressing sight to start off our small "reunion", I thought. I checked if my friends were already there and as always, I was the first one to arrive so I just smoked up. Then I saw another street kid coming up to a lady who just came out of McDo. The lady was holding a Sprite-float and when she saw the kid, she held out the beverage and the kid got it.
I just thought, hey at least the kid gets to down the "food" with soda once in a while, I can't. Hahaha!
We went to get groceries, cooked, then talked about our high school experiences, friends, who's banging who, who's working where, a tally on how many of us have babies already, how many are married, ex love teams, current love teams, who died, and so on.

As always, twas also fun to see how we (and our other friends) have "evolved" through the years, how stupid we've been back then, how some of us have completely changed our (their) "preferences", etc.
Then I got home, took a shower then went to bed. After like 5 minutes... dude. My head, my whole body felt so frikkin heavy, it's like I got literally pinned down by a fukkin sumo wrestler. I got up so fukkin late the next day but my head still felt heavy. It's like the exact same feeling you get when...
Whoever tripped and put something on one of my munchies better confess now or...

Dude, all I can say is... Chocolate ice cream goes well with cigs. :D
As in other foot bridges I've crossed, the one in Commonwealth Ave. in front of OUR McDo "showed" another depressing scene (or scenes). On one part of the foot bridge you'll see people lying down holding plastic cups containing a couple of coins. On other parts you'll see moms nursing their babies while their other children sell sampaguitas. Nothing new there. Then on my way down the stairs I saw a kid holding a container filled with what we may consider "kaning-baboy". Reminds me of Mongolian barbecue wherein you'd pick whatever ingredients you want and then mix all the stuff up. It just wasn't that appetizing. I saw fish bones, chicken bones, rice with maybe a little water, etc. It was around 5pm then and I thought those were just the remaining stuff that they had for lunch/merienda and they're just saving the remaining food for their dog.
Then one of the kids ate from the container.
I dunno if I was going to barf or cry or maybe both. Aw gawd. What I thought was for their dog was actually THEIR food. Our dog eats more delicious (and I bet more nutritious) food than the kids I saw. It later made me realize how fucking stupid I was thinking that they even have dogs when they can't even feed themselves right.
What a very depressing sight to start off our small "reunion", I thought. I checked if my friends were already there and as always, I was the first one to arrive so I just smoked up. Then I saw another street kid coming up to a lady who just came out of McDo. The lady was holding a Sprite-float and when she saw the kid, she held out the beverage and the kid got it.
I just thought, hey at least the kid gets to down the "food" with soda once in a while, I can't. Hahaha!
We went to get groceries, cooked, then talked about our high school experiences, friends, who's banging who, who's working where, a tally on how many of us have babies already, how many are married, ex love teams, current love teams, who died, and so on.

As always, twas also fun to see how we (and our other friends) have "evolved" through the years, how stupid we've been back then, how some of us have completely changed our (their) "preferences", etc.
Then I got home, took a shower then went to bed. After like 5 minutes... dude. My head, my whole body felt so frikkin heavy, it's like I got literally pinned down by a fukkin sumo wrestler. I got up so fukkin late the next day but my head still felt heavy. It's like the exact same feeling you get when...
Whoever tripped and put something on one of my munchies better confess now or...

Dude, all I can say is... Chocolate ice cream goes well with cigs. :D
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